Welcome to Mandyland! If you're reading this page, you probably don't know me in real life.
Or you're a friend who wants to be sure that I don't mention names or tell tales about that one time, in Vegas...
Or you're my mom who will promptly send me an email saying, "good job, hon" and "I only found three typos".
So, if you're just dropping by, here's what you need to know to convince you that you should immediately become one of my brilliant, clever and witty readers. (Because you are, you know. And, yes. I'm aware that blatant flattery gets you everywhere.)
I've been blogging since back when the Pioneer Woman was on blogger. Yes, kids, we're talking the olden days of Live Journal. Back when Twitter wasn't even an egg, when Facebook wasn't a word, and when MySpace was the hottest thing to hit the internet.
The olden days.
I moved over here in 2009 and have been writing somewhat regularly ever since.
I'm the mother of the Gingers - Elizabeth and Joseph. They're my heart, my loves, the apple of my eye, the light of my life, and every other sappy line you could imagine. They're simply amazing. Unless they're driving me crazy. Which children do. Or so says my mother.
One of my sisters is a professional photographer. Another is a professional make up artist. And still another was a fashion merchandising major before she decided to switch to coding. You'd think I'd be hip, trendy, and fully fashionable with an error-free blog. You'd think wrong.
But they're working on it.
I like to say that there's a little something for everyone in Mandyland. I write about whatever pops into my head. From gardening (or my attempts) to cooking (or my attempts) to canning (or my...wait...that I can actually do) to my family and friends. Occasionally I throw in social commentary, just for fun. And I've been known to get my nerd on and talk about history, video games, movies, and books. Sometimes I even write poetry. Really, really bad poetry. About football. And milk. But not together.
So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and have a peek. Considering you had the innate good sense to get this far on my "About Me" page, you might be here a while. I hope you enjoy your stay.