Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stormy Weather

After a warm January, our winter is finally here. It's been pouring off and on since yesterday! We had to go outside last night and bail some of the water from the fish pond to keep the little guys from washing over the top.

By the time we went to bed, it was raining so hard, I thought I'd see an ark floating by if I looked outside.

Not complaining, mind you. Just saying, wow.


zannie said...

You have a fish pond?

(Also, ark.)

Anonymous said...

We made a wine barrel into a fish pond last year after the dreaded black fungus destroyed my Rose the 4th. (Or was she the 5th. So hard to keep track.) We were only going to keep it until the fish died off, but five of the 18 we started with are now about six inches long and doing well. In spite of Joseph, the cool winter, and the roasting summer.

Actually, I take it back. FOUR are left. One got swept away when we didn't bail out the pond quickly enough. (We found it the next day. So sad.)