Thursday, February 19, 2009

Knock Knock

I know. I know. You're sitting on pins and needles, dying to hear how the weekend at my parents' was. This has been one of those weeks, so I haven't had as much chance to blog as I'd like. Those weeks are the ones where you want to petition the gods of time for a do-over or crawl in bed and cover your head - both equally impossible especially when you add in a two-year-old.

In the meantime, let me leave you with Joseph's first knock, knock joke.

Joseph: "Knock, knock."

Me: "Who's there?"

J: "Jo-Jo"

Me: "Jo-Jo who?"

J: "It's me, Mommy! Jo-Jo!!!" (fits of giggles ensue)

Yes. I realize that it's not exactly stand-up material, but the cuteness factor alone...well worth the hundred times I hear it daily.

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