Tuesday, September 17, 2013

One More Time Around the Sun

I've been having so much fun with the birthday giveaways. Thank you to all of you who participated. There's still time to enter a couple of them, so get to it!

How did I spend my birthday?


I took the day off and there was this...

And this...

And finally, at the end of the evening, there was this...

Now that I think about it, there was a whole lot of food going on.

But there were also bouquets of flowers in every room. And yes, I bought them for myself. I love flowers. I love filling my house with flowers. Sometimes, though, that seems indulgent. Still, what better day to be indulgent?

I also spent some time filling the house with the smell of raspberry jam simmering and fresh bread baking. I wrote a few things down in a note to myself, some goals for this 38th year, some resolutions for the tail end of my 30's. I spent some time with dear friends, drinking wine and talking about life, children, memories of our childhoods. It was the perfect blend of leisure and productivity, solitude and company.

I gave myself the gift of time. Nothing needed to be done. Nothing had to be accomplished. I could sit at a cafe and sip tea while reading for two hours. I could smell every flower at the market and pick the perfect blooms. I could pause in the middle of my day to focus on a friend. I didn't have to be anywhere at any time. I put off for tomorrow what I might have done that day and, instead, focused on breathing and listening, closing my eyes in the dappled sunlight of my garden, and being.

It was, simply put, a beautiful day.


Julie Gardner said...

Bouquets of flowers, fresh-baked bread and time. Sounds like 38 is off to a lovely start.

Keep it up.
(I can say this because I'm almost 45 and there is no better gift than being. Still.)

Happy birthday, Mandy.

mandyland said...

Thank you. I wonder if it's a sign of maturity or the everyday exhaustion of motherhood that being, just being, is gift enough. :)

Kir said...

I adore that you just took a day to just SIT, RELAX, BE.

you deserve that more than anyone I know, birthday girl. Plus I love how generous you've been with your birthday. it's inspiring and wonderful.

Roxanne Piskel said...

I'm so glad you were able to just ENJOY your day. There will be time for the worries and the needs. Taking time for the WANTS is important too.

Happy birthday again, dear Mandy.

bitt said...

Happy Birthday!

Jack M said...

Great readinng