Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Survive Your First Blogging Conference

I'm back from Bloggy Boot Camp.

And I'm bursting with information.

But first, before I do anything buck wild like try to figure out if I too can use SEO, I'm going to tell you all I learned about surviving your first blogging conference. Because going to a blogging conference is a lot like going to a high school reunion.

At a school you didn't attend.

But you accidentally joined their facebook page and thought it would be a hoot because everyone seemed so cool.

1. Read Diary of a Mad Woman and  SDMomfia's tutorials of all you need to know. Memorize them. Pretend they're your guidebooks.

2. Dress comfortably. Since I was attending Bloggy Boot Camp in SoCal I knew this would require a visit from my sister of the jeggings fame. I wore jeans, ballet flats, a light shirt and a short sleeved sweater. I loved my outfit and the way I looked. Which made me feel confident enough to walk into a room of near strangers.

3. Be bold. Be your blog. We write so many personal, intimate details of our lives on our blogs. We tweet sassy comments. We facebook kisses and hugs. We are hip, happening, confident people. Remember that when you walk into the room. Be that person. After all...isn't that who you really are?

4. All bloggers are created equal. Whether your blog has ten followers and twenty hits a day or thousands of followers and thousands of hits a day, we all write our posts one word at a time. So if a bloggy crush is standing right next to you and oh my God she's going to talk to you! Don't stand around stammering like a tween at a Bieber concert. Say hi. Admire her nail polish.

5. Don't let anyone make you feel bad or insecure. Look. Here's the thing. I don't have a degree in marketing. I don't write for a living. (Although I would be interested, hint, hint.) But I love writing and I love the connections I'm making through blogging. We all have moments of self doubt. Yes, even me. (Astonishing!) This is not the place for that.

And if, someone sticks their foot in their mouths and says something that could be interpreted as condescending, laugh. If it was accidental, they'll appreciate it. If not, it'll confuse them. Win. Win.

6. Not everyone will get your sense of humor. Or maybe that's just me. Please be sure that, when speaking to a vendor rep, you explain that you do indeed miss your children and that when you commented that you were having such a lovely time that you were thinking of selling them so you can attend conferences full time, you were joking.

7. Do attend the mixers. You might find a new favorite wine. Oh and network. Right. Network.

8. If you see someone standing, not talking to anyone. Go talk to her. She might just be the coolest person in the room. She might also be me trying to decide whether or not I've made enough of a fool of myself.

9. Bring a pen and paper because there are going to be things so mind blowing that you'll want to write them down. And if you forget pen and paper, you might have to do something like take a screen shot of the presentation with your phone. Which means that you may or may not forget what the shot meant when you get home. And, for the record, I brought a pen. Just not to the conference room. Fail.

10. Go to Bloggy Boot Camp as your first conference. I honestly think my incredible experience has to do with the fact that there were only around 125 people in the room. With assigned seats. And we moved around. A lot. And sometimes we were lucky to have a fantastic blogger stay with us through each move. A bigger conference might have been overwhelming, but BBC was a perfect first experience.

This last one doesn't need a number. Enjoy meeting your bloggy buddies in real life. Hug them. Pretend they scare you. Meet their mothers. Talk to them far past dinner time. You'll be glad you did.


Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. They even have one coming to Colorado in September. I may have to seriously look into this.

TamingInsanity said...

Win win indeed!

I'm so glad you had a great time. It's really awesome to see each other in person, no?

Gigi927 said...

that's a great summary of what to do. Glad you had fun!

Jessica said...

I am going to BlogHer in August which will be my first blogging conference. If I would have known about BBC in San Diego this weekend I think I might have signed up for that also because I think the smaller setting would be nice for my first time. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to remember what you said here when I am at BlogHer.

Erin said...

Well now I know I am not your bluffing girl crush since you didn't comment on my nail polish! Hee hee

I had so much fun! I am gonna miss you at BlogHer!

mandyland said...

I really think that knowing what to expect when you walk into a conference is key.

Then again, I'd probably never step off the elevator at BlogHer.

But you know people, right? People who are going from twitter? That's HUGE.

mandyland said...

It was such a blast that it took an eight hour drive in pouring rain, nearly losing a windshield wiper and clingy kids when I got home to take me down two notches from the high.

mandyland said...

Awesome and...weird!

I know. But it's so funny to hear real voices rather than the ones in my head.

Not that I hear voices in my head.

Not many.

You know what I mean.

mandyland said...

You really should. It was a fantastic experience.

Peryl Manning said...

Love it!! Bloggy crushes are the best! Thanks for sharing and I want to hear more!

MiMi said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I'm pretty much 0 for 0 with conferences. I'm not really a "big enough blog" I think too. I don't know! Maybe its that I have no ambition to do anything with my

The JackB said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun.

Maxine said...

I am so glad you had was worth the hours of Lego Star Wars, cooking, cleaning, dirty diapers, baby video, and being with the two most brilliant little redheaded darlings ever. ;O) P.S. It would of been nice to thank your babysitter who made it all possible. ;O)

naomidelatorre said...

What happened to my comment? I think it was just eating by the computer dragons. I'm so happy you got to go to Bloggy Boot Camp!!!!! Thanks for the awesome and hilarious rundown of what it was like. And yes. I'm super jealous. xoxoxoxo

Tonya said...

Meeting you on Saturday was one of the highlights of my day!! This is a great recap. So glad we were blog conference virgins together.

I appreciate the shout out too. xoxo

Christine E-E said...

can't wait to hear about what you learned... maybe you should do a bloggy mini-camp?? hint! hint!

Pat Letsos said...

Thanks for taking notes for all of us! I tried some of the SEO tricks and I think it is working!

Cheryl said...

You are a total rock star, my friend. xo

Janmary said...

Heading to Atlanta next month (from Ireland) - can't wait and absolutely terrified too!

Great advice.

hasan said...
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Adley Smith said...

It's a good thing that you want to go back and want to remember your children and your gardening. I would like to introduce a parenting company with you NetParents, you can learn many things from them.

shaahah said...

If you are looking for a complete and satisfying experience, you should try Magicien Pour Mariage in Paris. This shop offers weddings to match all sorts of interests.

aaaaaaa said...
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Anonymous said...

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