Thursday, October 7, 2010


I read an amazing blog post today.  Written by breast cancer survivor Danielle Rigg of Best for Babes, it was empowering, enlightening and inspiring.

One quote that hit home:
"The evidence is clear that breast tissue is less susceptible to aberrations if you exclusively breastfeed:  Breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk (a whopping 59%!!) of breast cancer in women who have a family history of the disease and at least a 28% reduction for those without one (me). And it lowers your breastfed baby girl’s lifetime risk getting breast cancer by 25% !   Sadly, millions of people have never even heard of this."
Now, you all know that I'm very pro-breastfeeding, here in Mandyland.  I exclusively pumped for Joseph for ten months and am on month fourteen of breastfeeding Elizabeth.  I believe it's what your tatas are for.

Side note and disclaimer:  Because this is a hot button topic in the Mommy World, let me also say, that I believe that breast is best, but completely believe that formula is not bad.  Sometimes it's the only viable option.  Every mother needs to do what's right for her and her family.  Now.  Moving onward... 

I knew that breastfeeding lowers the risk of childhood obesity.

I knew that it burns 500 extra calories a day.

I knew that it reduces the chances that your children will have allergies and illnesses.  (Although Joseph is the exception that may prove that rule.)

I knew that it reduces the chances of the mother getting breast cancer.

What I didn't realize is that by breastfeeding Elizabeth, I'm reducing the chances of her getting breast cancer.



Kate said...

LOVE it! How apropos that I'm reading this while pumping away for Noah. Wah, wha, wha, wha (That's the noise my pump makes...)

Anonymous said...

How funny! I used to, in the middle of the night, imagine that my pump was saying everything from "maa-king milk" to "pum-ping now". lol