Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Deal of the Century!

I just found the deal of the century.  Or at least the decade.

A few years ago I started looking for these groovy chairs:
Pretty adorable, yes?

Originally I wanted to buy them from an antique shop or perhaps, if I was really, really lucky from Granny Smith's garage sale.  I envisioned a lot of restoring and paint and then...

Sitting outside while watching the kids play, sipping on my ice tea.

Sadly, I live in California.

In California, Granny Smith not only knows the worth of her vintage and retro items, she has an Ebay store where she sells them worldwide.

So I was pretty jazzed to see that Lowe's carried a new version.

But they were a bit out of the ol' budget.

Until today.

Ladies and gents, I'm pleased to announce that I'm now the proud owner of two adult and two children's retro outdoor chairs.  And I got them for a steal.

I saved $115.


They were on clearance for 75% off.  I got all four chairs for $32.  How awesome is that?

Now I just need to put them together.


Unknown said...

That's awesome! And they are absolutely adorable chairs!

Anonymous said...

I want those! Do they have more?

Anonymous said...

Lindsay - I adore them! The hubby is concerned that I'll get third degree burns once the temps get over 100 but I reminded him that I'm not OUTSIDE when it's that hot. ;)

Kendra - I'm tellin' ya! You need to check them out.

Christine E-E said...

you always get the best deals... when do you have time to shop?

Sophie said...

That is an amazing bargain! Funny, Granny Smith is a kind of apple in the UK! :)

Anonymous said...

Chris - It's been HOT, HOT, HOT here. I get home from work to two kids who've been inside most of the day. I escape to Lowe's where they terrorize the poor employees and have lots of air conditioned space to run in.

Sophie - Granny Smith is an apple here too. I was eating one while I wrote this! lol