There, on an impossibly slim mannequin, was the horror of my youth, the fashion faux pas of my teenage years, the cringe-worthy statement in my junior high and high school pictures:
Stir-up pants.
Paired with long shirts.
Am I seriously old enough that the things I wore when I had zero sense of style are now back?
I knew the 80's were in - leg warmers, skinny pants and ankle boots being all the rage. But...stir-up pants?! That's dangerously close to "my" generation.
What's next? Wearing four pairs of scrunched socks with your Keds? Off the shoulder prom dresses? Shoulder pads? Puff sleeves? Big bangs? Spiral perms?
Do you see how this can get out of control?
Or has it already?

Gross, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Ewwwww - not the stirrup pants! Because you KNOW there will be that one woman that doesn't know you put them under your foot and NOT the shoe, and will be walking on her pants to wear these. Not to mention all the stretched out knees. Gross. Some fashion items just need to die. What's next bringing back the "cod piece"?
And men everywhere just yelled, "Hell NO!"
And then there was a pause and then they looked at how much the cod pieces...ummm...enlarged and said, "Well..maybe..."
LOL Can you believe some of the horrible stuff that has come back in to style? It was horrid the first time around!! I totally had several pairs of stirrup pants, I'm sad to say! Visiting from the Hedgehog group at SITS!
i hate the clothes today... I look like a pear... urrghhh. we need to start a clothing revolution... You have a way with words - how 'bout it Mandy??
Stacey - Welcome! You know, I remember bringing back my mom's generation's styles when I was in my early 20's, but at least we only brought back the TASTEFUL styles. Except platforms. And maybe micro minis. Other than that, though!
Chris - An Anti-80's Fashion Manifesto!
Personally, I am awaiting the return of spandex... I am GIDDY with anticipation!
Trina - So, very, very WRONG!!! Especially if they pair it with hyper-color!
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