Thursday, July 15, 2010


I'm "new baby" tired today. 

Chad came home from work yesterday clammy, pale and sick.  After three hours of vomiting and complaining of abdominal pain, I took him to the ER where we spent over three hours while he was treated for dehydration and had lab work done.

First thought...heat stroke or heat exhaustion.  In a rookie move, he forgot to drink water yesterday, but pounded Diet Cokes.  With the temperature in triple digits, not smart.

Second thought...appendicitis. His pain level on the "Rate Your Pain" scale was a 7.  Considering I had an epidural at 6, I was concerned he might require surgery.


Poor guy. I feel really bad for him.  I do! He's miserable and can't keep anything down.  He's on the B.R.A.T. diet right now and even those gentle items are giving him issues.

In the meantime, I'm stumbling around in a stupor.  I got to bed by 2:00, but Elizabeth woke up twice before Joseph woke up at 6:00.  Poor Miss E is having tummy issues too.

I'm getting ready to hit the hay and take a nap.  Just waiting for Joseph to finish his lunch with a shot of powdered probiotics in his water.  Gotta keep at least one of my babies healthy!

1 comment:

Christine E-E said...

ohhh... take care... I had the "g-word" two times (different years)... it's painful! keep those babies healthy!