Monday, May 3, 2010

Good Thoughts...

Maggie Dog is going in for surgery at the end of the week.

About a week ago, we noticed an odd growth under her tongue, behind her teeth.  Thinking it was an allergic reaction, we gave her a shot (as in glass, not needle) of Benedryll and kept an eye on it.  It didn't get smaller.  If nothing else, it got a bit bigger.

Worried, we made her an appointment at the vet's.

Poor Maggie hates the vet's office.  She's never had a bad experience there, but the second she walks in the door, she starts trembling.  Elizabeth and I tried to help her calm down, petting and whispering sweet nothings in her floppy ears.

The vet's not sure what the growth is.  His first thought is that it might be a tumor.  When my eyes filled up with tears, he rushed to assure me that even if it is, it could be benign.  He further assured me that it might even be a bit of a stick or chew chip stuck and infected.  They won't know until they perform a biopsy.

After a staggering estimate - was almost as much as my c-section - we scheduled her surgery and brought her home with two bottles of medications.

Poor Maggie Dog.  She's going to have good reason to hate the vet's office after this!


Alex@LateEnough said...

Hope your doggy feels better soon !!

Carole said...

Maggie girl is in our thoughts, she is my little granddoggie.

jenhiatt said...

Poor Baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, ladies! We hope she feels better too.

danielle said...
