Early this afternoon, with one 20 minute nap under our belts, I strapped both kids in the car and went for a drive in the hopes that the movement would knock her out. No such luck. Nearly an hour later, we stopped at Chris's house so Joseph could get a drink of "ice cold water".
When I unbuckled Elizabeth, I was assaulted with That Smell. Sighing, I took her inside and then went to my car for her diaper bag. The diaper bag that I belatedly remembered I'd put in the house to restock. Frantic, I looked in my purse (you never know), under the seats, in the stroller pockets, in my camera bag - any where a diaper might hide.
That's right kids. In my rush out the door, I made a rookie move and forgot the diaper bag.
Not knowing what else to do, I decided to try to fashion a cloth number out of a hand towel. Asking Aunt Chris for an old towel, I tried to wrap my head around how to do it.
Duct tape?
Saran Wrap?
Safety pins?
Chris, proving that yet again she deserves the title Great Aunt, walked out of the bathroom holding a mailer in her hands.
"I got this free sample in the mail the other day."
"Is it a diaper?"
"No. It's a sample of Kotex's new maxi
"That just might work!"
Cleaning Elizabeth's bum, I secured an overnight maxi pad to her onesie. A maxi pad with wings.
And you know what?
That sucker didn't leak. When we got home, I took her into her room to put on a "real" diaper. The pad was soaked, but her onesie wasn't.
Now that's protection.
I had to explain why I was sitting in my cubicle laughing to my male co workers, then I had to explain how the pad would have worked and the function of the wings, thanks Mandy!
Yo, strike one up for Kotex! That is awesome. You should let the Kotex people know that story. What a great commercial that would make. By the way, I'm looking at your sweet girl up there in the little photo of another post that says, "9 months". She is absolutely scrumptious!
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