Friday, February 5, 2010

Fun Site

I'm such an absentee blogger. Don't worry! I'm going to catch up this weekend. In the meantime I thought I'd post a link to something fun to pass the time.

It's a groovy little map game that's as addictive as it is frustrating. Give it a whirl and post your score.

Mine was 94%, 6 miles and 214 seconds. That score will make sense when you play.


Christine E-E said...

ohhh... i'm not posting my score... i think i need a geography lesson! actually, it is difficult to get some of the states situated early in the game. do they mix the states up each time you do the puzzle? maybe i should go back again?

Anonymous said...

Too funny! The first time I did it, I got all "edge" states first. Then, trying to beat my score, I did it again. The first state to come up was Kansas. Yeah...didn't do so well that time. :D