Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot

Since I just took my third shower of the day, I thought I'd sit down and blog about the weekend...

I can't even describe how hot this weekend has been. Hot as in triple digits. Hot as in laying on the couch with ice cream, under a fan and the AC going full blast yet still sweating. Hot.

Saturday morning, I went to Farmers to pick up strawberries. In my infinite brilliance, I decided that the first day forcasted in the upper 90's was the perfect day to can strawberry jam. Kendra came over and, together, we canned five batches of jam as the temperatures hovered around 103. For the record, no matter how low you set the air conditioning, nothing will cool a room filled with large pots of boiling water and fruit.

After Kendra left, I had every intention of hitting up one last batch. Good intentions lost out to swollen feet and ankles. I collapsed on the guest bed and took a long nap.

Normally, the evenings in Paso cool down - no matter how hot it was during the day. Saturday was not normal. At 11:10 it was still 81. That's not Paso weather...that's Fresno weather!

This morning, we all got up before 7:30 and immediately set about our chores. In a flurry of activity, we vacuumed, mowed, mopped, cleaned and ran errands - trying to beat the forcasted heat. By 11:00, it was 99 and we were done.

I went to my Gardening Group meeting - held indoors - and came home to sip a strawberry shake.

Tonight, it cooled down. We have all the windows open and there's a nice breeze flowing through the house. I survived my first pregnant summer weekend and have learned a few key points:

1. When it's this hot, don't do anything but eat ice cream and suck on ice cubes. Canning and gardening are out of the question.

2. Buy a muu muu. Shut up. I know how awful they look, but by the time the thermometer hit 101, I didn't want any clothing touching my body. Nudity in my current physical condition is not an option.

3. Cold showers are my best friend. I took four yesterday and three today.

May is upon us. Lord help me once July hits.

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