Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One of my biggest pet peeves with Chad is his propensity towards eating ingredients instead of meals. For instance, he'll power through a pack of sliced turkey and then eat two or three pickles and a slice of cheese instead of making a sandwich. He'll eat jam and a whole sleeve of crackers instead of fixing a meal. Even with all the easy-to-prepare foods I keep around the house, he's more likely to eat a side dish for a meal.

Case in point...

Yesterday I fixed some corn in my ever elusive quest to get Joseph to eat veggies with his dinner. (Yes...I do realize that corn is more a starch than a veggie, but it'd be a start.) We had a few cups left over that I decided to use for dinner tonight. (Border bowls...yummm.)

When I started making dinner, I searched the fridge for the container, only to find it missing. I called Chad.

"Did you eat the corn that was in the fridge?"

"Yeah. I had it for lunch."

"As a side dish?"

"No. I just had corn."

"The whole thing of corn?"

"I love it!"

Even though there are soups, sandwich fixings, fruit, frozen meals, and left over pasta in the fridge for lunches, the man ate three cups of corn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's funny :) Stan does the same thing very often :)

Like if I am gone, I would ask - what did you have for dinner, and he'd say: "Oh, I just had a can of beans", or "I had some rice", or something else like that. Apparently it's easier for the guys that way :)