Saturday, November 15, 2008

Early Morning...

I am not a morning person. Not at all. Even if I go to bed at 9:00 the night before, my body will naturally wake up no earlier than 8:00. (My mind will start working around 10:00.)

Chad is a morning person. Before we had Joseph, he'd pop out of bed ready to face the day while I moaned and pulled the covers over my head, begging for fifteen more minutes.

This has worked out quite well for the last two and a half years. When Joseph was a baby, we had the "2:00 Rule". I took care of everything that happened before 2 a.m., Chad took over after. Since going back to work, I've hoarded my sleep-in days like a miser with gold. Chad, however, decided that it really wasn't fair that he had to get up with Joseph at 6 a.m. every morning over the weekend and wanted one day to sleep in.

Saturday is his day. Today is Saturday.

I hauled myself out of bed this morning, this first morning of our new "rule", groaning. My eyes were blurred with sleep, my mind fuzzy. I walked into the living room with a talkative Joseph. I'm sitting here now fighting the nausea that comes from exhaustion while trying to tell my body that it shouldn't be tired. That I got seven hours sleep. That this is good for it. "Early to bed, early to rise..." and all that.

My body disagrees.

I told Chad that if he steps foot out of the bedroom before 8:00, I'll kill him. Not joking. If he's going to sleep in, he's going to sleep in. That extra morning snooze time will not be wasted. He tried to negotiate down to 7-ish, but I was adamant. If I'm going to suffer through pre-dawn toys screaming at me, then by God, he's going to sleep in.

As I sit and type this, I can hear him moving around in the bedroom. I know he's trying to figure out if he should risk coming out. I'm waiting to see what he decides.

It's seven in the morning and I'm so not ready for the day. On the plus side, getting up this early allowed me to bake some banana bread for breakfast. A feat I'm quite proud of considering that a) I was only on my second cup of strong, black tea when I put it together and b) I'm not a baker at the best of times.

Now...I'm off to fix another pot of tea. Yes. You read correctly. Another pot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Completely relate. How is it my mother wakes up at 7am and says it was nice to sleep in? Something is wrong with morning people! What time did Chad wake up and does the rule still stand?