Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sewing a Camera Bag Insert

If you read my post about my lovely, wonderful, great and destroyed wallet, you'll remember that when it comes to things like shoes, purses, wallets, clothes...well, I'm a cheapskate frozen in indecision.

After all, what if I drop a chunk of my paycheck on something and then don't like it? I save that sort of money for important things.

Like wine.

I did, after months of fretting, finally buy a new wallet. A gorgeous wallet. A Hobo wallet that cost more than I've ever spent on a purse or a wallet. 


Still, it's the same as my old one and that was used for seven years. 

Plus I got it for 48% off and free shipping.

And I love it.

You can imagine, then, the indecision with buying a new camera bag. My current bag works fine, but it's a camera bag. An obvious camera bag with no room for a wallet or even a coin purse. 

Which is why I'd typically toss my camera into my purse.

Which is how I jacked up one of my lenses.

And we all know lenses are not cheap.

So for this upcoming trip to the great East Coast - where architecture and scenic beauty tempts the amateur photographer in me - I thought I'd probably need a new camera bag.

I started looking and found Kelly Moore.



Almost as much as one of my plane tickets.

Frustrated, I did another search. This time on Pinterest where I came across this little idea.

A trip to Ross and a $21 Nine West "Boston" purse, combined with a half yard of foam, a bit of scrap fabric, and ninety minutes later, I was sporting a cute "camera case" with a custom insert.

I was, in the end, happily surprised at how easy and quick it was.

Plus I feel like a bargain master.

Or sewing goddess.

Or crafting countess.

Or all of the above.

1 comment:

Home Renovation Beaverton said...

Thanks for a greeat read