I want to show you something.
Do you see this?
It may look like a simple canning jar partially filled with glass beads, but in Mandyland, it's something else entirely.
Each of those beads are mistakes.
That one? That's from me miscalculating the first chicken coop design.
And that one? That's from Chad getting upset over said design flaw.
That one right there was from Joseph spilling his salsa on the carpet.
And one towards the bottom was from me buying too much fish.
I bet you're wondering why we have this jar, aren't you? I'm about to let you in on a dirty little Mandyland secret.
We hate making mistakes.
I know. So does everyone, but we really hate making mistakes. You know the saying, you learn from your mistakes? Yeah. That's not part of our credo. I'm bad, but Chad's worse. It must be from being two oldest children who tried so hard to achieve childhood perfection. (I'm sure we were as obnoxious as we were adorable.)
Or maybe it's because I'm a Virgo and expect nothing less than the best from myself.
And Chad's a Capicorn who feels the same way.
And Joseph is a Taurus first born who is following our footsteps.
Which, quite frankly, scares the pants off me. Because, logically, I know we learn from mistakes and making them is a natural part of our human experience. Mistakes strengthen us. They make us think outside the box. They instill perseverance and make us work harder for our goals.
They're also unavoidable.
Which is why, when I watched Joseph melt down after making a small mistake, berating himself, punishing himself worse than I'd ever dream, I got scared.
I stopped, stepped back and watched how Chad and I acted when mistakes were made.
I was fairly patient when the kids made mistakes, but woe befall Chad if he did. And when I messed up? Self-doubt, frustration, irritation - all the emotions I saw in Joseph.
When Chad makes mistakes? Well he doesn't. Or, at least, he claims he doesn't. Which, in many ways, is worse.
So what's a mother to do when she realizes she's making a mistake in how she deals with a situation? Thankfully, when said mother works with educators, the answer is easy to find.
See that bead at the very bottom of the jar? It was the first one in. It was accompanied with an announcement:
"I made a mistake. I let myself get frustrated and irritated when I messed up and that showed my family that mistakes are bad things. I learned that mistakes are good and we should celebrate them by keeping track."
And what happens when we fill our mistake jar? We're going to buy pizza and take it to the drive in where we will probably spill our drinks and step on the pizza box and start another jar of mistakes.
I love the idea of a mistake jar and your celebration when it is full. It is hard to make mistakes in life but they do help us learn to be better.
I love this. My oldest can also be really hard on himself. Filing this away for sure.
It's so hard to see our kids struggle with the same things we do, isn't it?
What a sweet idea - I need to start one of those for myself, then at least I'll start getting a pizza party out of it!
This is an awesome idea - says a first born who currently condemns herself for all mistakes and is right now upset that she didn't think of this idea first.
What a great way to "celebrate" those mistakes! Poor Joseph. I see my kids following in my footsteps too. :(
Awesome idea! JK and I are both first born perfectionists (and I'm a Capricorn as well) and Luke is also very hard on himself.
I have a kidlet who one minute can brush anything off and the next get really down for it. It is so hard to watch and to try to help said kidlet out of it. So, we just keep trying to tip the scale towards the 'it's okay' side. And thankfully, we're in one of those periods when it's working. It's very cool that you've found a way to help teach your kidlet that mistakes happen, we learn from them, and life goes on. :>
This would so be Craig. Not that I like being wrong but he NEVER admits a mistake. I could fill a whole jar in a day with him!
Mandy, that is such a good idea. I also, see my oldest becoming very hard on himself. I hate to see his get so upset over the littlest things.
I love everything about this post and can relate (perhaps a bit too much) to reacting strongly to mistakes. This was wonderful. Truly.
Ours would be full in a day!
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This is way too awesome! I can see us having similar issues in our house (what is it w/ our men not being able to admit they were wrong and also, HOLY SHIT I'm a Virgo, this explains so much!).
But I love the message. Can you remind me of this in 3 years when my children are old enough to understand?
I wish that we still had a drive in- that is a very cool idea.
We're so lucky that our local drive in is still operational and showing weekly films. It even has swings. :)
It's all becoming clear! The very best people are Virgos.
I think we've already established that we're married to the same man. Four letter names, inability to understand the urge of their wives to blog and tweet...now this?
I'll let you know if a few months if it's worth the reminder. :)
Thank you! I really hope this jar thing works. :)
I thought for sure we'd need a quart jar for Chad. Oddly enough, we didn't. Hmmm...wondering now if he was holding back...
What IS it with men not being able to admit a mistake?
It was a real eye opener when I saw my little guy replicate me. SO much worse than self-realization.
We WERE a bit worried that Joseph would make a ton of mistakes on purpose to get the pizza party sooner. But so far, so good. I, on the other hand, fudged a few mistakes to keep the interest alive.
And to get the pizza sooner.
I'm really excited to see how it works out. Fingers crossed that it helps us all. :)
Awww! Thank you!!
We first borns must find new and interesting ways to perfect ourselves. lol
I'm starting to see a pattern develop. I have an awful lot of readers who are first borns. I wonder if someone's done a study...
It's so hard to watch them beat themselves up. It breaks my heart to see him give up because he thinks he can't do something well enough. I hope this helps.
I hope it works. So far, if nothing else, it's made us stop and really think about our "lesson" when we make a mistake. Sometimes it's hard to come up with what we've learned!
It's heartbreaking! I'm so freaked out now that my daughter is going to follow my footsteps with body issues. I guess as long as I'm conscience of it and really work on improving my outlook, she has a fighting chance to get out of her teenage years unscathed.
I hope.
I love this idea, what a great lesson to share with your kids Ms. Supermommy. You never cease to amaze me with your ideas.
I love you. I just do.
I am an Aries, fierce and self-involved, and I hate being wrong; my hubs is a Virgo perfectionist - ACK!
My kid is a Scorpio, unpredictable and tough, but vulnerable in his soft spaces.
We obviously need this jar.
A week into it and it's half full. We love it. I hope it works the way it's supposed to.
I can't take credit for the idea, only the blog post. :) I learned about it from work and I have to tell you, we're LOVING it.
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