Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - The Epilogues

There are a few events that occurred in 2010 that I never quite finished. I started the story and then left you hanging in suspense. Or mild curiosity.  Nah...suspense. White-knuckled, bated breath suspense.

Oh...and this picture has nothing to do with this post. I just had to share what happened when I took out my camera and Elizabeth decided to "strike a pose". Besides, I took the picture and didn't have a post for it so...we'll call it a little photographic epilogue.

Stealing the idea from Alex at Late Enough, I thought I'd use today to catch you up on...

2010 - The Epilogue

I did not get sporotrichosis. It was a close thing though.

We found a new washer and dryer. And I got flowers.

That strawberry vinegar? all had to be tossed. I'm still not sure what happened, but it just didn't taste good. Basically, it ended up tasting like white vinegar with red food coloring. Back to the drawing board.

Maggie Dog is fine. She had the surgery to remove the growth in her mouth and was back to her furniture-sleeping, cat chasing ways within a week.

The mystery plants were potatoes. Lots and lots of potatoes from the potato peels in our compost bin.

My corneal ulcer is all better now, thanks for asking. In fact, it was better before the end of the week thanks to miracle eye drops.

I still have 28 pounds of wheatberries. Oddly enough, I couldn't find a grain mill in the state of California. Go figure. (P.S. If you know of one, could you please let me know?) And Joseph still doesn't think we're normal. Poor kid.

That dang corn relish...I finally got an answer, but not from the canning hotline. Nope, I turned to the good ol' blogosphere and sent an email to Food in Jars blogger Marissa McCellan. She got back to me in minutes and told me that since I'd added all that extra vinegar, I was safe.

Wow! That felt amazing. All of my open ended posts are tied up in a nice, neat package. It feels like cleaning out the closet.  And now, tomorrow, I can start fresh with brand new hanging posts.

I hope that everyone has a safe and happy New Year's Eve. We're spending it with dear friends who have promised to cook things like crab legs and standing rib roast and tarragon green beans. Be still my rumbling stomach!

I'll see you next year!


Bella said...

Happy New year!

naomidelatorre said...

28 POUNDS of wheatberries? Wow you are hard core, Mandy. I have a bunch of Mormon friends around here who do that all the time, but they have their own personal grinder. I think its called a Bosch? Anyway, I'm always impressed by how amazing their bread tastes with the fresh wheat. It really is good!

Loved this recap of all your cliffhangers. What a fun idea. Looking forward to more of your hilarity and fun in 2011. Love you, Mandy!

Amber said...

Ha! Thank goodness you wrapped up the end of the year. : )

I would have no idea what to do with wheatberries--and I'm a Mormon. I also don't own a wheat grinder, make my own bread, or sew my own clothes. I think I pretty much suck. Sigh.

Mandyland said...

I like to tie up loose ends and all. lol

But do you have food storage? That's the big question. ;)