"Hey Mandy! It's Kendra. I was just wondering if you still want to g-"
"YES! YES! ChadandIwanttogoout."
"Suurre. I can get there earl-."
Now, between her morning phone call and dinner time, I felt myself start to come down with The Cold complete with runny nose, burning eyes, aching body. Chad came home from work and asked if I wanted to cancel.
"If we cancel, who knows when we'll be able to do this again," I reasoned. Or wailed. It's hard to remember the details. I lay down for a bit of a rest, interrupted only by the sounds of "mamamamamamam" at the door and Joseph's excited shrieking.
True to her word, Kendra arrived a bit early. Not only did she volunteer (volunteer!!) to watch The Dynamic Duo, but she brought her clippers and scissors and gave Chad's hair a trim.
For a jar of pickles and a jar of relish.
Not the corn relish. More on that later.
My head felt like it was going to explode and my nose was in a state of constant drip, but I pulled on a dress, fixed my hair and, because it was a date night after all, put on lipstick. I walked into the kitchen.
"Mommy! You look beautiful."
"Aww...thanks, baby."
"You have eyebrows."
"Well, yeah, I...uh..." I stammered touching my face.
"And lips! You don't look like you!" Note to self: Apply lipstick more than once a year.
"Thank you?"
In a flurry of good byes, we left to go to a little French restaurant. Chad had a gift certificate that had been collecting dust for almost two years. (Yes. We need to get out more often.) We held hands as we walked to the restaurant. We were shown to our table and sat down to talk, read the menu and people watch.
And we had our own reservations. No need to steal someone else's
I kept tissue on the seat next to me, trying to appear somewhat elegant while I wiped my nose. We ordered a delicious appetizer that included escargot. Considering my feelings for these little critters, I let Chad eat their charred bodies. (My feelings, by the way, are far from humane, but once one has squashed a few snails, one finds it difficult to find them appetizing.)
Our dinner was divine. We ate. We talked. I sniffed. I sneezed. And then, after a short walk, we headed home. Our original plan was a movie or a trip to the hot tubs, but my poor head couldn't handle being out and about.
Kendra survived the Ginger Snaps. Elizabeth was asleep. Joseph pretended to be while she finished his story.
And, in true romantic fashion, Chad fell asleep while I chatted with Kendra before she headed home.
At least you got out, right? My husband is begging for a date night this Saturday and I'm trying to find a sitter. By the way, we love the "soak and poke" hot tubs in Pismo!
What little French restaurant?
@Kristi Oh my God! I started laughing out loud at your comment. Nice to know that our hot tubs have a national "reputation". Hehehe
@Jenn Bistro Laurant
That place is great! Or, the food at least. They catered Chris' company's Xmas party a couple years ago. The owner is friends with the owner of Chris' company. It was amazing.
We LOVED the food. There was a little - okay, a lot - of sticker shock, but wow. I had the mahi mahi in a balsamic reduction sauce and grilled veggies. It was beyond delicious.
I bet there was sticker shock. We have not been to the restaurant because we know it is out of our budget but the meal we had, 3 years later, still blows us away.
Too funny! I don't know how many times I went to the "soak and poke" tubs on dates. It always kind of grosses me out when I think about it. Buy hey I never ended up with any strange ailments.
I didn't know they were called that.
Ooooooh. So sorry that you came down with a cold on Date Night. My hubs and I rarely get to go out either and so it's like a national emergency if something like that happens. I think I would have gone ahead and gone out anyway too, armed with a big pack of tissue! I'm glad you had a nice time and hope you are feeling better now!!
We had a fabulous time and I'm feeling much better now. Although Chad's starting to make noises that he's come down with my cold. And we all know what THAT means.
Attack of the Man Cold.
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