Monday, October 18, 2010

One for the History Books

I have to write this one down so that I can pull it out in...oh...about ten years...

Joseph and I took a little Mother/Son trip to the hardware store this weekend.  (And yes...Mother/Son hardware store trips are a common occurrence in a world where Father decides "fixing" a broken drawer means putting the broken bit on the counter.)  While we were wandering the aisles, looking for wood - ha! you thought I was going to say plants! - Joseph and I had the following conversation:

"We're looking for 1" x 12" boards, baby."

"Okay!"  Joseph said as he tried to flip himself over the middle bar of the wood dolly.

"Umm...don't try gymnastics on the dolly, hon."


"It has wheels and might move or you might hit your head on the other bar's just not safe."

Joseph stopped and thought for a moment, "Mommy!  You're a genius!"

I looked around to see if any other shoppers noticed how astute my four-year-old was.  "What was that, baby?"

"I said," he started patiently, "you are a genius!"

"Why, thank you," I smiled in reply, resisting the urge to ask him to repeat it again.

"Do you know how I know?"

"No.  How?"

"Because I'm a genius too.  We're two geniuses." we're back into familiar territory.  At least he doesn't think he knows more than I do.  Yet.

Side note:  Is it ironic that I misspelled the word "genius"?


Kristi said...

Oh my gosh, Joseph is adorable! Yes, definitely keep that incident for the record. Being such a little genius, you'll probably have to remind him on a regular basis that you are just as genius as him.

Katrina said...

Madison told me I am cool, but she does not want her friends to know that. I was just happy she thought I was cool!