How to Survive a Mountain Lion Attack

From what I've read, the key to surviving a mountain lion "encounter" is to a) look bigger than you are - easy since I'm just now starting the Great Weight Release of 2010 and b) back slowly away, making a lot of noise and staring this creature in the eyes. In other words, how you would typically escape a tantrum-throwing toddler.
How to Survive a Turkey Attack
To be honest, the windows are in more danger than the people. Turkeys are everywhere at work, pecking at their reflections in the windows. They're more humorous than their feline neighbors, but if you've ever seen The Birds, it's a good idea to be prepared.
Hmmm...after googling "how to survive a turkey attack", it appears that no one is worried about being attacked by wild turkeys. Attacks by zombies, however is prominent on the search list. I should probably tell Alex.
this made me giggle. altho wild turkeys kinda scare me. i hope the zombies eat them.
Alex - As long as turkeys don't learn to use google - which I think is a safe bet - they should be the first to go in case of zombie attack.
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