Two weeks wearing the BodyMedia FIT and I
still love it. While I haven't lost any weight this week - that I know of - the accountability is amazing. I don't feel like I can "sneak" a cookie because, when I enter in my calories, I'll know. And if I sneak in a scoop or three of ice cream, I know that I'm throwing the whole program off.

The reason I'm not completely sure whether or not I've lost a portion of a pound is that Chad recently bought me a
. The problem's one of these. While it's great for...something, I'm sure, when you wake up in the morning half blind and when a loss of .2 pounds is reason for celebration, it just doesn't cut it.
But he bought it less than a month ago and I'm having a hard time justifying buying another. It seems like a waste of a scale.
So...until I can boot up the Wii Fit and check out my weight there, I'm just assuming that even though I haven't seen a big weight loss - discernible by counting the tiny little lines - the fact that I haven't gained any weight and I had a calorie deficit means that I lost at least .2 lbs.
Don't you just love my rationalization skills?
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