Apparently, she can and she is.
To celebrate her half birthday, we took Elizabeth to the doctor's office where she weighed in at 18 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 27 inches long. Poor thing got her shots, but in true Tough Girl mode, didn't make a peep. She just sucked on her thumb, looking all around.
It's amazing how much she's changed in the last couple of months. She's sitting up on her own and talking almost continuously. She loves to blow raspberries and she's so very ticklish right under her armpits. Just a little tickle and she collapses in giggles.
The Dimpled Dictator rules the roost. She insists that we a) hold her continuously or b) set her up right next to us at all times. If we leave her for just a moment to
Did I mention that she's a dictator?
She is still sleeping through the nights, but only on weekends. During the week, she cluster feeds all night long so that she isn't hungry enough for more than a few ounces out of a bottle. Diabolical.
Speaking of eating, we've started her on solid foods. Her first meal of bananas didn't go over very well, but we've had great luck with avocado, acorn squash, cream of wheat and yams. It only took her an instant to realize that the spoon Mommy was holding had something yummy. She holds a spoon of her own and, when I put a bite in her mouth, she brings her spoon to her mouth and shoves it in. Chad and I are thinking we should just let her feed herself.

Joseph is an amazing big brother. He's patient and loving and snugly. He covers Elizabeth in kisses and, when he has a cold, has the most difficult time in just touching the top of her head. (We tried to eliminate all contact, but it just didn't work.)
He's a little confused as to why we're feeding her people food, but he's starting to get it. He is, however, refusing to eat anything that resembles baby food on sheer principle. No more refried beans or guac for him!
Elizabeth has started a cute little trait of "conducting" us. She swirls her hands and arms as if we were the orchestra.

I just can't get enough of her. My sweet, sweet girl. I know her name means "God's promise" but in my book, it means "joy". She's my joy and my little love.
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