Saturday, February 20, 2010

Be Mine

We had a fabulous Valentine's Day. Up at dawn, Chad closed our door to keep the munchkins from waking me up. I slept until 9:00 - sinfully, decadently late. To repay him, I made Chad's favorite breakfast - monkey bread and eggs. We squeezed oranges for fresh juice, brewed a pot of tea and, as a very special treat, let Joseph eat Fruit Loops.

Full disclosure: Chad actually made the monkey bread while Joseph and I squeezed orange juice and fed Elizabeth. But I made the eggs!

Those observant few who were actually at our wedding will notice that, in a nod to love, we used the champagne flutes from our reception. Isn't it romantic?

Side note: I actually typed "Ain't it romantic" but had to change it. Even in an informal blog, while trying to be funny, I just can't say ain't. I'm such a grammer snob.

After breakfast, Chad napped while the kids and I read. Chris had volunteered to watch the kids while Chad and I had a romantic lunch. Without kids, we did the one thing we couldn't wait to do...go to OSH and Home Depot. You thought I was going to write something else, didn't you? Geesh. Get your minds out of the gutter.

Wandering through hardware stores without having to chase Joseph down was blissfully romantic. We even held hands as we looked at plants and trellises.

Our time was almost up, so we went to Vons and grabbed sandwiches to go, sitting off the road at the edge of a field to eat them while having uninterrupted conversation.

Overall, it was a wonderful Valentine's Day.

1 comment:

Christine E-E said...

OMG - I love these plates.... adorable! Woould look especially cute with some mini-cupcakes + colored sprinkles on top! Yum!