Oh sweet Elizabeth!
She's eight weeks now and growing so fast. She's out of her newborn clothing and fully in her 0-3 month outfits.
Side note: I'm going to pause here to lodge a complaint against girl clothes. While the selection of girl clothes greatly outnumbers the meager boy

offerings, I've come to understand that there are unlimited shades of pink - and not all match. With Joseph, I bought a few neutral pants or shorts and then a bunch of onesies and tops. I could switch them around, no problem. With Elizabeth, this pink dotted top doesn't match those pink pants and those print pants don't match this solid top. And don't even get me started on her diaper covers!
She's truly out of the sleepy newborn phase and starting to explore her world. We spend hours chatting, my sing-song voice interrupted by her coos and ghees. She grins, showing the dimple in her right cheek when I sing songs and ask "who's the prettiest girl in the world?" She laughs a silent laugh with her mouth open, eyes dancing, when Joseph kisses her forehead and hugs her belly.

We spend most of our day making her smile. She's truly a pampered princess. At the first sign of a frown, the whole house breaks into action. Daddy reads to her, takes her on walks around the yard and rocks her to sleep. Joseph sits next to her, hugs her, kisses her and "reads" her book after book. He gets her toys, rubs her head and tickles her feet to make her smile. And as for me, well, let's just say that she's Mama's girl.
(Don't tell Chad. He thinks she's Daddy's girl.)

We chat and read and play "This Little Pig". I tell her that we girls have to stick together and assure her I'll always be there for her. We snuggle in the middle of the night when she wakes up to eat. I rub her hair (what little there is) and whisper stories of princesses who save princes. She likes to lean against me, chest to chest, with her little arms crossed as we walk around the house. (Thank God for Danielle's loan of her Metro wrap!)

She looks at me, her brow furrowed as if to ask, "What are doing now?"
Obviously the whole family is madly, deeply in love.
1 comment:
I just want to eat her up! She reminds me so much of J at that age - there's no denying that they belong to one another. ... are you going to have ANOTHER blue eyed baby?!?!
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