Sunday, September 27, 2009

One Step Closer...

After turning our house into a sauna yesterday with the steam juicer, I'm now one step closer to getting a Bullet Express.

*rubs hands together*

In other news...

Today, for the first time since Elizabeth was born, I feel totally rested. This could have something to do with going to bed at 8:30 last night. Miss E slept from 9:00 (don't worry...Chad was up with her) until 2:30. I got up to feed her, went back to bed and didn't wake up until she got hungry at 7:00. Apparently, she and Joseph woke up around 6:30, but since she wasn't crying for food, Chad didn't wake me up. Say it with me, folks, "Ahhhhhh."

A good night's sleep resulted in a very productive day. I froze the rest of the grape juice in anticipation of a grape jelly day once the weather cools down, recovered our computer chair in a surprisingly cute fabric bought during our morning trip to Wally World, cleaned our dining room chairs, cut a vinyl seat cover for Joseph's chair, dyed some dingy sheets pink, met with my lovely gardening group, put current pictures in frames, researched a new computer...

Side note: I'm going to stop there for a moment. I had to bang my head against the desk after Joseph decided that the ejected CD drivers made perfect steps to help him up to the computer chair. Needless to say, the weight limit of the average CD driver is well below 38 pounds.

Onwards with my lovely list...

I even went to get my eyebrows waxed. This is something that's been on my to-do list since the Bush Administration.

Let's see...I think that's about it. All in all, it's amazing what I can accomplish when a) I'm well-rested and b) I don't have a book.

Now...still on the list...

Outstanding "thank you" cards, birth announcements (sooo late with those), folding laundry. Then again, folding laundry seems to be a never-ending process.

1 comment:

danielle said...

you're not officially late on announcements until she's a year old - lol! or maybe this is just what I tell myself b/c I didn't get L's out until he was 3 months old :-)

TOTALLY impressed with all the check marks on your to do list ... sheesh - you put me to shame!