As I mentioned before, Mom was in town for the shower and to help us paint, so we were all up bright and early Saturday morning. Benny had stayed with us on Friday night, so Rachel went straight to Jen's house to help set up, Becky and Mom following shortly thereafter.

Chad, in the meantime, was on his way to help Jeff move. He'd planned on leaving fairly early, but, as everyone else vacated the house, realized that he'd have to be a bit late so he could hang out with the boys while I showered. He left as soon as I got out and it was then just me and The Boys and the clocking was ticking.
I put a movie on for them and went to blow dry my hair. Yes...I'd washed it. Mistake number two. With the dryer on, I couldn't hear what was happening in the other room. I kept turning it off for a bit and then turning it back on when all I could hear was the movie. Mistake number three.
I walked out of the bathroom to the sight of every, single toy from Joseph's room spread across the guest bedroom. The boys had opened up all of J's markers and were coloring. On the carpet. Grabbing the offending pens, I put them on a high shelf and sent the boys back to the living room to watch the movie.

The rest of the morning was pure chaos. At one point, Joseph was running naked down the hallway, Benny in his diaper in hot pursuit. They were throwing Hot Wheels at the walls and doors and yelling at the top of their lungs.
I finally called Rachel to see if someone was ready to come help me out and found out that they'd been done for a half hour and were chatting. Uh-huh. I see how it is.
Oh and when Rachel showed up, she let me know that "potty" was actually "party" and that Benny Boo was just wanting to get the show on the road. Good to know!

Overall, it was a wonderful shower with wonderful people. And...note the cute fabric runner...one day soon, it will be transformed into a sling for Little Miss Gertrude*.
And no, we don't have a name yet. Don't judge us!
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