Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Figured it out...

I think I got this whole trimester thing figured out.

The first trimester is to let us know we're pregnant. Nausea, trips to the bathroom, exhaustion...it's Mother Nature's way of saying, "Guess what?! You'd better start taking care of yourself."

The second trimester hits right around the time we say, "I have how many more weeks of this?!?" Our energy bumps up, as do our bellies. We start to feel movement and realize, "Hey...this isn't so bad. I kinda like being pregnant."

Then the third trimester roars in. Overnight your ankles swell, your belly expands beyond the laws of science and the baby starts pummeling you. The third trimester gives us all the motivation we need to get past any fear, trepidation or unease we may have about trying to, as Carol Burnett once said, "Fit a watermelon through a straw."

Yep...I think I've got this whole trimester thing figured out. :D

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