I was laying on the couch with my hand on my stomach watching The Biggest Loser and feeling guilty over the strawberry ice cream I had for dessert when *thump* *bump*, I felt the little monkey move against my hand. I called Chad over and had him sit with his hand on my belly. Sure enough, a few minutes later, all hyped up on sugar and dairy, *thump* *bump* against Chad's hand.
In other pregnancy related news, I recieve an update every week from Baby Center. It's great. They always compare my little one to fruits or veggies. Last week s/he was a bit bigger than an avocado. This week, we're the happy parents of a banana.
I was also warned that I could see weight gains of up to one pound a week. Great! Maybe that slow this one pound a day thing I have going on.
To commemorate this event, here's a picture in all it's swollen glory of moi at the half way point. That's right, my friends, I'm now 20 weeks along.
Side note: For those of you who have not yet had babies and are now counting on your finger in confusions, yes. Twenty weeks (five months) is half-way because contrary to popular belief, you're pregnant for TEN months, not nine.
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