The second year we went with Adam and Danielle. We'd been living in our house for almost a year and were reveling in our status as an "old married couple". We'd survived the first year of marriage (including the Newlywed 20) and were starting to talk about children as something in our near future.
The fourth year we went, we were no longer a couple, but a family. Joseph had been born the previous April and we were smack dab in the middle of baby love. I look at this picture and have to laugh at his little chubby cheeks. He was such a little guy! We went with Adam and Danielle again. It was strange to experience the fair with a baby in tow. I put him in his Peanut Shell and carted him around the fair, showing him off to polite strangers, secure in the knowledge that I'd given birth to the most precious of all babies in the history of the world.
The fifth year we went, we went again with Adam and Danielle. Joseph was fifteen months and still a little chubs. He was walking, babbling and so different from the baby I'd toted around the year before. We took him to see the animals and look at the lights on the rides. We talked about how much fun it was going to be to put him on those rides when he got older.
Then there was this year. Our sixth year going to the fair and
sitting in the booth. Joseph ate pizza, rode on the rides and ran from animal to animal as excited as, well, as excited as a kid at a fair. Looking at the pictures from previous years, I can't believe how much he's grown. He's no longer a baby, but a little boy. I look at the pictures over the years and can't help but think how much has changed for Chad and I from that first fair trip. When we took that first trip we were secure in the euphoric bubble of the newly in love. We'd hadn't yet experienced the pain, the heartbreak, the joy, the triumphs that would come to us over the next few years. I look at all the pictures and can't help but wonder what I'll see when I look back several years from now.
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