After a much better night's sleep, Chad, J and I got up early, ate a snack and decided to put the child's seat on Chad's bike so we could take a family ride. We bought the bikes earlier this week and hadn't had a chance to ride. (All part of our gas saving plan. Chad's going to start riding to work and, when I go back from summer break, he'll also take Joseph to daycare via bike.)

It was cool with a slight breeze. Fresno is flat. Flat as a pancake. Flat as Iowa. I never realized how nice this would make bike riding. We rode up and down small, tree lined streets past older women working in their yards, past children playing, past couples walking their dogs. Again I was struck by the friendliness. Everyone wave, said hi, said good morning. I realized that for all it's small town flavor,
Paso doesn't seem to have this type of small town friendliness. I can't tell you how many times I've walked the neighborhoods near my house and never had anyone say hello. If I pass someone, they tend to look down or past my shoulder. It may have something do with Adam and Danielle living in a neighborhood consisting of mostly retired people who've lived there for 20 years.
After all the work getting the bikes ready to go, we were somewhat chagrined to find out that we were only gone a half hour. But what a half hour! Chad rides a bike like he does everything top speed. I called it the Tour de Fresno. I was out of breath by the time we got back.

I made blueberry pancakes and then hung out with Danielle and the kids while the boys went to see a movie and make a Target run. Danielle asked if I'd help her dye her hair, so, after I got J to sleep and she got L to sleep, we got out the dye and turned her kitchen into a beauty salon.

After the kids woke up, we changed and jumped in the pool. We did a
esq water show using bath toys that had us rolling. After pool time, Chad and Adam set up the croquet set in the front of the house. I haven't played in years! I forgot how much fun it can be. The
Loucks' front yard is a perfect, flat grassy expanse with

enough shrubbery surrounding it to make things interesting. We only got to go halfway through the game before it was time for dinner. Danielle placed first with me second and the guys falling behind our superior athletic abilities. Chad's calling a re-match.
Loucks outdid themselves with dinner. Adam
BBQ'd chicken (natch) and corn on the cob. Danielle made a beautiful salad and yummy deviled eggs.

We sat outside and enjoyed a nice evening, waiting for it to get dark enough to start the fireworks.
Side note: What is it about men and fireworks that turns them into 12-year-old pyromaniac boys? Chad and Adam rode bikes to get their fireworks and then opened the package on the living room floor, as excited as kids.
As dusk fell, we joined the neighborhood on the side of the street. A mom walked over to Joseph and put
glo-stick bracelets on him. A grandmother came over with bug spray and warned us about the
mosquitoes. Little boys ran up to Chad and Adam for help with their sparklers. It was very Americana. I understand now why they picked that neighborhood to live in. Would I want to move over to The Valley and leave behind
Paso's rolling hills, small town feel, cool evening and short trip to the beach? No. But if I had to, I'd want to live in a neighborhood like theirs.

Joseph didn't get to bed until late. Later than he has ever gone to bed. He was so excited, he couldn't stop talking. He slept restlessly and then woke up at the crack of dawn, manically giggling, bouncing off the walls and generally acting like a kid on a caffeine high. We packed up sooner than we'd anticipated. We left at 10:00. By the time we hit the freeway, J was out. He slept the whole way home. After lunch and a couple hours playtime, he took another nap...three hours this time. (I took advantage and fell asleep too.) Overall, while not exactly what we'd planned, our weekend turned out great.
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