One night, we go to bed after spending the day in temperatures above ninety. Maybe we took the kids to the beach or the pool. Maybe we grumped as we watered wilting flowers. Perhaps we scoured Target for shorts because our first grader has outgrown hers and sighed with relief when we found a pair on the clearance table. We open the windows to let some of the cooler evening air take the place of the air conditioning. A tee shirt and skirt hang on the back of the door to be paired with sandals. A note to refill the propane tank sits next to your purse.
In the morning, our alarms go off in darkness and we shiver as we race from the front door to the car in 48° pre-dawn light. Fall has arrived.
And if we're lucky, we'll get a cloudy day to savor while we pray for rain.
When you live someplace with unrelenting blue skies, a cool and cloudy day is a treat. It's time to pull out the crockpot and make chicken chili. It's time to get a loaf of sourdough rising on the back of the stove. It's a chance to pull out a board game and finally open a bottle of red that didn't sound good in the dog days of summer.
When you live someplace with an average annual temperature of 70°, a cool and cloudy day is a gift. It's a chance to contemplate your closet and decide what to donate and what to keep. It's an opportunity to start a puzzle. It's a chance to pull your second coziest sweater from its storage bag and sit around in leggings and warm socks. It's a time to open every window in the house and to finally, finally feel goosebumps.
Sunny days are almost a requirement to be active, to get things done. On sunny, warm days, you run errands, you plan pickleball games, you go for a run, you work in your garden, you go berry picking, apple picking, beach combing. There's this feeling of industry. Being lazy on a sunny, warm day is impossible.
So today instead of being industrious, instead of working on the never-ending novel edits, instead of pulling weeds from the garden, instead of cleaning the chicken coop, instead of going grocery shopping and making a Target run...I'm doing practically nothing.
I'm letting a loaf of sourdough fill the house with warm yeastiness.
I'm letting a pot of chicken chili with roasted veggies from the garden simmer in my crockpot.
I'm wearing pajama pants and a cozy top while drinking a cup of tea.
I'm dusting off my slippers and padding through the house with my feet encased in flannel.
I'm letting summer fall from my shoulders and packing it away.
I'm embracing fall and pumpkin spice.
I'm being lazy.
Because next weekend it will be 95°.
1 comment:
You are describing the state as if you are in love with summer and don't want to let it go.. The feeling is so unbearably pleasant... When summer relinquishes, I'm abstaining from my gloomy moods and thoughts. I'm becoming the same Kate I was once (when being a college girl and writing papers with http://www.essaykings.me/)...I remember the times so well..
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