Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Captain Crunch

When the kids and I go grocery shopping, there is one rule.  Well, actually, there are several, but the one that pertains to this post is:

No High Fructose Corn Syrup.

I try very hard to adhere to this rule.  Not only is it bad for you - despite what the corn industry claims - it's one of the primary ingredients listed in sugary, unhealthy, expensive foods. (And why my cereal bars are from Trader Joe's.)  It's also virtually impossible to completely avoid. I nearly gave myself a panic attack looking for ketchup, mayo and dressing that didn't list it as a primary (top of the list) ingredient. I finally caved to Heinz, Wishbone and Best Foods.  Admittedly, I'm far from perfect in my endeavours, but, as far as Joseph is concerned, this rule is strictly followed.

When Joseph hands me a box of fruit snacks, I can look at the back and say, "Bummer, babe. That has high fructose corn syrup."  He sighs and returns the box to the shelf.

In one sentence, I become, not the mean mommy who won't let him buy something, but the sympathetic mommy who would love to buy a favorite snack, but can't. 

Tantrum avoided.  Peace reigns.

Then, Chad decided to come with us on one of our grocery shopping excursions.  Happy to have him along, we wandered the aisles using his superior mathematical skills to get the best prices on all our favorite foods without pulling out the calculator.  Then we hit the cereal aisle.

"Mama!  Can I pick the cereal?"

"Sure baby.  Just remember no high fructose corn syrup."


"Chad, do you want to help him out while I head over to the next aisle."  Chad nodded as he and Joseph got down to the serious business of picking out a cereal - preferably whole grain.

Two minutes later, I saw my four-year-old running down the aisle toward me.  His face wreathed in smiles as he clutched a red box in his arms.

"Look, Mama!  Captain Crunch!!"

"What?! I think it has high fructose corn syrup in it."

"No it doesn't. Daddy read it and it doesn't."  I took the box and read the list of ingredients.  Sure enough, Captain Crunch doesn't have HFCS.  Sugar, yes. And lots of it. But no high fructose corn syrup.

Go figure.

And, because Chad had already read the list of ingredients, I couldn't lie. (Yes. I admit it. I lie.  Like when I call spinach an herb and say that peas are Garden Candy.)  So into the cart it went.  And now my son knows that Captain Crunch is not on the "bad" list.

I need to figure out another reason not to get it.

And Chad isn't allowed in the cereal aisle alone with Joseph.

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