We took her to the doctor yesterday and the little darling weighed in at 15 lbs. 14 oz. and is 25.5 inches long.
I just can't stop talking (and writing) about how much I adore her. Let me pause here for a moment...
If you're one of my LiveJournal friends, you may remember me posting about the wonder that is Joseph - especially during that first year. The thing is, I love them both so much that my heart feels like bursting. However, with Joseph, so much of that love was wrapped in worry, guilt and uncertainty - perfectly normal, so I'm told. With Elizabeth, I feel free to relax and love her without fear. I'm not researching milestones or obsessing about percentiles. I'm just enjoying her. Back to my total adoration...
My little sweetie is a genius child. She's talking. Sort of. She's blowing raspberries - and at the most appropriate times.
"Are you ready for bed, little girl?"
"All righty, then."
She's rolling from her front to her back fairly regularly and she's trying so hard to roll from her back to her front. She gets just about over and the...flops to her back again.
She laughs. She laughs at Joseph's antics. She laughs at her daddy's kisses. She laughs at my singing. She's such a happy baby.
Unless she's not.
She's still sleeping through the night, but we're paying for it during the day with short naps and fussy evenings. She wants to be held. All the time. She wants to be talked to, interacted with, played with, entertained. All the time. Good thing she has an adoring trio of willing supplicants.
She has us wrapped around her tiny pinky finger.
And we wouldn't have it any other way.
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