We made a last minute decision a couple of weeks ago to make the trek to Bakersfield. I needed to go to a good fabric store. (Read: A fabric store that doesn't charge $8/yard for cotton.) On top of that, Dad had yet to meet Miss Elizabeth. Or shall I call her Princess Elizabeth since that's what she is? But I digress...
Side note: Joseph ran as soon as he saw Grandpa. I think it's time to stop threatening to call Grandpa if he doesn't behave.
I had a quick giggle while Dad was standing in the checkout line holding my baby pink and yellow minky fabric. He had engaged a poor woman in a conversation that went a little something like this:
"Darlin'," he said to me, "Do you think this is enough fabric for me to make a blanket?"
"I'm sure it is," I replied playing along.
"Excuse me," he turned to the woman in front of him, "Do you think this is enough fabric to make baby blankets? I'm fixin' to sew up a few and sell them online."
The woman looked at my dad, his hair wild and wooly, his flannel shirt hanging untucked from worn jeans and said, edging a bit away, "Ummm...I think so." Dad winked at her, casting her a grin. Mom rolled her eyes. Chad and I tried not to laugh.
With four daughters, you would think he'd be done with girls. Instead, in a few short hours, Lizzie wrapped her tough, ol' grandpa around her tiny little pinky.
Joseph, in the meantime, was horribly disappointed that my parents had not brought their dogs. Have I mentioned The Kids? That's a story for another day.
We were home before dark. It was a long, but fun day. I'm so glad we were able to visit with my parents for a bit. Now if only I could get them to drive this way...
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