Sunday, September 6, 2009


I'm muddling over adding the kids' birthdays and our wedding date to the Claddagh tattoo on my back. There are two things holding me back:

1. When I got the original tattoo, I passed out. There are very few things in this world more embarrassing than passing out in a tattoo parlor. Very few things. There are also very few things that say, "I'm not a tattoo type of gal" more than passing out before the first two lines were made.

2. See Item 1.

More than likely this is a passing fancy brought on by a surge of hormone-induced sentimentality. And seeing Angelina Jolie's tattoos of her children's birth coordinates. Very cool, but silly of me to try to replicate seeing as Joseph and Elizabeth were born in the same room.

1 comment:

jenhiatt said...

I passed out getting a tattoo too! I have never heard of it happening to anyone else :)