1:30: Chad - This fruit is going to go bad if we don't use it soon. Mandy - Umm...okay. I'll make a pie or something.
1:45: Doing a search for pies that uses only ingredients I have on hand. I have two pre-made pie crusts in the fridge and enough fruit to do two peach pies and a blueberry pie. I'm thinking some type of oatmeal topping for one of the peach pies and maybe a meringue crust for the other. A single crust blueberry pie recipe is hard to come by.
2:08: Still looking for a recipe. Who knew it'd be so hard?
2:20: Found a few recipes that I'm going to try to combine. I figure that as long as I keep each element separate, it won't matter if I'm mixing recipes.
2:30: Asked Danielle if a Corningware dish could sub as a deep dish pie pan.
2:45: Where on earth are my measuring cups?! I know I have some but they're no where to be found. I do have one one-cup measuring cup in my flour bin. Contemplate eyeballing the measurements. Post said contemplation on facebook and get adamant responses advising me, "Don't eyeball baking measurements!!" I take this advice to heart and continue my quest for a measuring cup.
2:55: Found a measuring cup. But it's metric. How the heck did I end up with a metric measuring cup? Did I pick it up while on vacation in the UK? That would make about as much sense as buying a toast caddy. Oh wait. Never mind.
3:05: Pie in the oven. Time to feed Elizabeth.
3:55: Time to take pie out. Wait. It's not quite done yet.
4:00: Still not done.
4:10: Peach pie will have to wait until this evening or tomorrow morning. The kids are up and it's time to go to the in-laws' for dinner.
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