Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Already a Diva

My little Leo is already showing signs of being a diva.

When we left for the hospital last night, the contractions were coming fast and hard. Two to three minutes apart and hard enough that I had to lean on the couch. They were lasting about a minute and a half and I could feel a lot of pressure way down low. It was the perfect labor storm. Both Chad and I looked at each other and thought...this is it.

So...bundled Joseph into the car and dropped him off at Ken and Sue's. The drive down was intense. I could barely talk and the contractions felt like they were right on top of each other. We walked into the hospital, ready to have a baby.

Three hours later, we walked right back out.

Oh according to the monitors the contractions were pretty hard and fast, but I wasn't dilated. At all. The nurse was very nice and said that every one is different. She added that after looking at the contractions on the monitor, she would have thought I was at least three centimeters, if not more.

Home again, home again. We've decided, though, that we're not going back to the hospital unless a) my water breaks or b) I start pushing.

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