Saturday, April 11, 2009

So many posts...

The blog postings, they are piling up. To get rid of the tiny ones, let's start with lunch today...

Most Saturdays find us at Farmers' Market in Templeton. It's a win-win family situation. Joseph and Chad play on the playground while I wander the booths and pick up fresh fruit and veggies. Every weekend, I can smell deliciousness coming from one booth in particular as I make my way around the park. Gadovina's booth specializes in vegan and vegetarian foods. For ten bucks, you can buy a huge to-go container piled high with steaming goodness. Today, I finally had enough money after my produce purchases to sample it. Let's just say I have a new craving.

Lunch was saffron raisin rice topped with navy bean soup. On the side was ratatouille and spinach lasagna made with vegan feta cheese. For desert there was a apple mango chutney.

I was going to take a picture, but this preggo and her husband devoured every bite in an embarrassingly short time. I'll take a picture next time. Trust me. There will be a next time.

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