I can't believe it's taken me this long to post about Benny's birthday party!

Rachel threw a book party. Everyone brought books, read stories, ate pizza and then cake. I took tons of pictures - most of which turned out blurry due to the intense activity of all the toddlers. It was a lot of fun. The kids loved the books. Joseph couldn't get enough stories. (Just like his mama.) They danced off the cake and then went home exhausted.

It was great to get together with some of the Stroller Strides mommies that I haven't seen in months. We got to catch up and exclaim over how much the babies have grown.

It's hard to believe that little Benny Boo is already two. It seems like just yesterday - well okay - just last week, that Rachel and I made that hellish drive from San Diego to Morro Bay with a five-day-old Benny and recovering Rachel. He was such a little guy - a little under six pounds when we left the hospital. I remember thinking that I've never seen such a tiny, perfect baby.
Happy Birthday, Little Benny.
You brought tears to my eyes. Ahh...
When you see his birth photos and him now, OMG what happened to the little baby. Joey same thing.
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