For the last six years, every year, except one, we've spent New Year's Eve with the Fresno Crew and Original Fresno Crew. Sometimes we hosted. Sometimes the OFC hosted. Sometimes the FC hosted and once, Adam's sister inadvertently hosted by having her wedding on the 31st. Last year we went up to Heather's family's cabin and had so much fun we thought we'd repeat the experience.
Tuesday, after Chad got off work, we loaded the car and headed to Fresno for the first leg of our trip to Strawberry. After hugs and Christmas decoration admiration, we settled into a nice catch-up with the Fresno Crew. I haven't been over there since November and even though we talk on the phone all the time, there was no shortage of gab topics.
We woke up early on Wednesday, took showers and made a mad dash to Target for a few last minute items. We were all on the road by 10, stopping around 11:45 to assuage a mutual need for In 'n' Out. From there on, it was all road until we arrived in Strawberry.
Side note: On the way we saw a ranch that had ostriches, buffalo, zebras, yaks, longhorn cattle and...believe it or not...camels. Nothing like driving along and seeing a camel walking next to the road.
The higher we climbed, the colder it got. Then, on the side of the road, in the shade of a huge pine, there was a patch of snow. Within in minutes the patch turned into snow banks. Being Coastal people, the excitement we get out of seeing the snow would be hilarious to my friends in the Mid-West.
The cabin was surrounded by evergreens and blanketed with a knee deep cushion of snow. We unloaded out bags - and enough food to see us through three weeks of blizzards - and set about warming up the house.
Jeff and Heather were on dinner detail the first night. They made amazing chicken fajitas and an
It was New Year's, but we were all exhausted from the drive up. Chad put on his "party" shirt and we settled down for food and friendship. (Unfortunately Chad's party shirt couldn't compete with his tiredness and we lost him for a few hours until just before midnight.)
Side note: Chad's party shirt is...well...I'll have to take a picture of it sometime. Let's just say he puts it on, I slap my hand to my forehead and proclaim that I had nothing to do with its purchase.
We all - except Chad who'd had a nice long nap - went to bed shortly after midnight. He stayed up, sitting by the fire and reading the sports page.
The next morning, after a hearty breakfast that included Jeff's Famous Biscuits and Gravy, we bundled up and hit the snow. The weather had warmed up significantly, making the snow an odd combination of icy and soft powder. Not the best for sledding, but still fun to play in. The kids
After lunch, I crashed with the kids and took a nice nap while the other adults watched movies, chatted, read, ate.
That evening it was our turn for dinner. I made a veggie lasagna, bread and salad. Seriously yummy and seriously not low fat. We sat up and played hearts until, one by one, we all turned in.
I obviously took way too many pictures to post individually, so I'll attach a slide show of some of my favorites to Part 2.
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