I took the Lane and Joseph into our tent to hang out while I changed. I couldn't resist snapping a couple shots as they played on the air mattress. It's amazing to realize that a short time ago, Joseph was the same size as Lane while we were at Plaskett Creek camping. I took way too many pictures to post here so I put together a small slide show of our "photo shoot".
Side note: I'm having technical difficulties with my slide show. Suffice to say, it's at the end of this post. Trying to place it in the middle was a futile exercise consisting of me slamming my fingers on the delete key and cursing my poor little computer.
As the sun broke through the clouds, we loaded up the boys and headed down to the beach for a couple hours of fun, sun and sand. Of course, with the temperatures barely hitting 70, it was cool fun,
When Joseph tired of the sand, we ate a picnic lunch and went to the water to jump waves. He was a little timid at first, gradually gaining confidence shrieking in glee as the cold water lapped our toes.
First Adam, then Lane woke up. We decided to head back to camp for naps and Scrabble.
Side note: You may have noticed that Scrabble plays a prominent part of our camping trips. There's nothing like lazing away a quiet afternoon trying to figure out what word could possible occur with the letters "q", "r", "e", "e", "t", "o" and "o".
Chad and Danielle napped with their respective sons while I explained to Adam the joy and challenge of following Scrabble rule and he tried to convince me of the exhilaration of breaking said rules.
After naps, we played around the campsite and waited for Chad to get back from a last-minute trip to Gourda.
Here's the back story on that: Chad has a very bad habit of waiting until the last possible moment to purchase gifts. If the stores weren't closed on Christmas, I have no doubt he'd be in the check out line an hour before gift time. I warned him that we were going to be a long ways from any sort of store and to be sure he brought my birthday present with him. He didn't, so he made a trip to the Gourda General Store to pick up my present. Expecting a sweatshirt or a clam shell pet, I was happy to receive a Nordic hat worthy of a ski bunny in Wisconsin.
We ate our dinner of burgers and veggie packets, put the boys to bed and spent the evening huddled around the table, playing In a Pickle. Hilarity ensued, interrupted by us playing the nosy, adult neighbors to the young (maybe 21) birthday party down the way. We went to bed early, knowing it was going to a busy morning.
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