A very helpful line attendant told us that the shortest line was in the morning. (Obviously.) We made plans to walk right to it. Still...even getting in the park shortly after 8:00, the line was 45 minutes long. Chad and I decided to do a little line hopping. While I waited with the J-man, he rode the Matterhorn, then, we switched off. After I got back, he raced over to Space Mountain (where I'd already gotten Fast Passes for Nicole and I) and made it back to Nemo just as our ride boarded. (Look at us...second day in Disney and we were already working the system.) Nemo was great. Well, worth the wait. I was a little concerned with some of the scarier aspects, but Joseph weathered through like the adrenaline junkie he's shaping up to be. (How many two-year-olds cry "Up MOMMY! Higher!" when they're riding Dumbo? Well...still.)
Side note: I have a feeling Disney is going to re-vamp it at some point...I'm thinking electric cars and a Cars theme.
Joseph drove and loved it. I kept my foot on the pedal and cuddled next to Chad, secure in the knowledge that our son, in no way, shape, or form can crash us. (This will not be true when he's 16 and behind the wheel.)
After Autopia, we headed back to Fantasyland to ride...you guessed it...Dumbo. I think that was Joseph's favorite - he's still asking for it. Nicole and I took advantage of our Fast Passes to hit Space Mountain while the dads went on the tea cups (I shudder to imagine) and carousel. Again.
Side note: When did Space Mountain get so fast? And so dark?
While Chad took Joseph back to the hotel for naps, Melissa and I hit the shops and then joined Nicole for a trip down Splash Mountain. (Fast passes.) I got nice and soaked, but was dry by the time Missa and I rode Indiana Jones. I made a stop at the Mad Hatter to pick up mouse ears for Joseph and then we made the only ride mistake of the day - Star Tours. Let's just say that Star Tours + No Dramamine = Bad News.
After Joseph's nap, we went back to California Adventure and Bugs Life. He rode the little rides with his auntie and then splashed in the water area while we waited for the parade. I didn't get any pictures of the parade, but suffice to say, Joseph was enthralled. We were right in front, sitting on the street as the dancers and floats passed by. When Lightening McQueen drove by, Joseph went nuts,
After the parade, Joseph went with Chad and Boppa to the Grizzly Trail while Melissa and I rode the rapids. (We got soaked.) We joined up just as Boppa decided to head back to his room. The rest of the evening, it was just the four of us as we took Joseph on King Triton's carousel (again and again...he loves that thing) and the adults discovered the magic of Single Rider Passes.
Single Rider Passes are available at several of the rides at CA. They basically allow you to almost literally walk right on to a ride. If a party has an odd number of people, they add a single rider. We took turns, walking right on California Screamin' (oh yeah!) twice, Soarin' over California (for Chad) and the free fall ride (not Tower of Terror). We were able to ride some of the biggest rides out there in less time than it took for Joseph to take a spin.
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