Becky and I again took Joseph to Farmer's Market in SLO. We spent some time listening to this guy. He's pretty good. I was impressed enough to want to buy a CD, but unfortunately for me, fortunately for him, he was sold out. (Just goes to show that my music taste tends to coincide with the more rather than the few. Chad said his music sounds wussy. Phhlpptt.)
Side note: I bet this guy carries his pet around with him to pick up chicks. He was surrounded by a crowd of curious children and adults.
On Friday, Joseph and I went to Concerts in the Park to listen to old school country mixed with a little folk and a little classic rock. Chad was working, so the J-man and I spend the evening eating Subway and dancing.
We had a fairly uneventful weekend followed by a fairly uneventful week. Also known as...I started work again and need to figure out how to re-allocate my blogging time.
First, a bit about the picnic dinner. I have a crop of tomatoes that is seriously starting to bury me. (Ironically there's still not enough to can salsa.) I've scoured the web in search of tomato recipes. I made this one last night and I have to say...AH-MAZE-ING. We used it as a main dish and simply added a loaf of fresh bread and sparkling waters. It was flavorful, filling and scrumptious.
Joseph made it until intermission - basically around the time he finished dinner. Once his mouth was empty, he put the actors on stage to shame with his command of projection. While we strained to hear the actors as they "strut and fret their hour upon the stage", Joseph's cries of "more bread" were heard by our the people walking their dogs three blocks away.
Side note: Admit it. You're impressed that I was able to incorporate a Shakespearean quote in the previous paragraph. Bonus points if you know from which work I was quoting.
As everyone else headed towards the wine table, we packed up our gear and went home. Maybe next year we'll make it through an entire performance. (I'll just remember to bring more food.)
This coming week will be quite busy. The hooks?
- Sal's Birthday
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